Belize Basics

Introduction to Belize

Belize Basics

Introduction to Belize

If you are reading this, you are probably thinking about moving to Belize, so when planning my first article for Belize FAQs, I decided to try to give an introduction to Belize, sort of a definition of the country.

Belize FAQs a detailed guide for those interested in moving to Belize

Belize FAQS: A detailed guide for those interested in moving to Belize

I had decided not to publish an article on my Belize FAQs book, as I am often reticent about self promotion. However, due to the fact that I have seen a fairly substantial increase in the amount of material recently released, both as blog posts and as new books, concerning moving to Belize, I have changed my mind. Both when I started the Belize FAQs site and later when I decided to write the book, my goal was to produce a research and experience-based, more realistic view of moving to Belize.

Cost of living in Belize

Belize Basics, Belize Lifestyle

What is the Real Cost of Living in Belize?

Questions about the cost of living in Belize are some of the most frequently asked questions in the many expat-focused Belize Facebook Groups and other forums online. In this article, I am opening up the financial books on my life here in Belize to share exactly what I spent over the course of a year living in Belize.

Shopping in Belize

Belize Basics, Belize Lifestyle

Shopping in Belize

One of the first things that expats who move to Belize have to confront is the differences between shopping in Belize and what they were used to in North America. Belize does not have any big box stores, such as Walmart, Costco, or Target, and even the larger grocery stores here are quite different from what most people were accustomed to at home. In this article, we take a look at everything from basic grocery shopping to looking for larger-ticket items like furniture and appliances.

Healthcare in Belize

Belize Basics, Belize Lifestyle

Healthcare in Belize

Questions about both the availability and quality of healthcare in Belize are some of the most frequent inquires in the online groups and forums dedicated to living in Belize. Healthcare options appear to be a fairly high priority for many who are considering making a permanent move, and this seems to be particularly true for retirees.

San Pedro Beach

Belize Basics, Belize Lifestyle

Internet Service in Belize

In recent years, more of the folks who are interested in moving to Belize are still working, and many of them who eventually make the move are working online for a North American company. Thus, one frequently asked question on many of the online Belize forums and groups is: How is the internet service in Belize?

QRP and Permanent Residency in Belize

QRP and Permanent Residency in Belize

Many people who are thinking about moving to Belize see this beautiful, interesting, and quirky country in Central America as a viable retirement option. Prior to making the move, there are two options which folks need to explore: the Qualified Retirement Plan, QRP, and Permanent Residency in Belize. For an number of reasons, one must evaluate their personal needs and circumstances in order to decide which of these different modes of establishing legal immigration status in Belize would be most beneficial.

Working in Belize

Working in Belize

While for many years, it seems that a majority of the expats who moved to Belize were retirees, purchasing either a second home to use to escape the cold winters up north, or moving down full-time seeking an affordable retirement option, many more folks are now looking to move to Belize earlier, either working remotely, or seeking a way to support themselves on the local economy here in Belize.

Hurricane Season in Belize

Hurricane Season in Belize

The hurricane season in Belize corresponds with the Atlantic hurricane season, which runs from June 1st to November 30th. The hurricane season is often referred to as the rainy season here, with heavy tropical storms and hurricanes usually more active toward the end of the rainy season. This is when some parts of the country are most often prone to experience flooding.